Sunday, September 27, 2015

13 Century for the Year Caps off 5 Months of Training Totaling 2,881 Miles of Biking

13th Century for the Year Caps off 5 Months of Training Totaling 2,881 Miles of Biking

Week of August 9-15
Monday: 20 miles
Saturday : 52 miles
Total: 72

Week of August 16 – 22
Wednesday: 40 miles
Thursday: 44 miles
Saturday: 50 miles with Joel, Gary, Jan and Jen from my home. With 23 mile per hour winds plus gusts. Interesting ride with friends.
Total: 134 miles

Week of August 23-29
Monday: 35 miles
Tuesday: 42 miles on the Keiser
Saturday: 102 miles riding the Off the Back Century sponsored by the Beaver Island Brewing Co. in St. Cloud Joel, Gary, Jan and Jen. Fun day.
Total: 179 miles

Week of August 30 – September 5
Rode 4 centuries  on days back to back, plus 27 miles to complete the DALMAC  5East with Anne, Glenda, Randy, Dory, Ingrid and David
Total: 427 miles

Week of September 6- 12
Focused on running to prepare for run with Kirk
Wednesday: Rode to Bowlus and back to Albany with Joel, 34 miles
Saturday: 100 miles riding the Jesse James Bike Tour from Northville
Total: 134

Week of September 13 – 19
Focused on running to prepare for run with Kirk
Tuesday: 23 miles on Fat bike, count as 34 miles
Saturday: ran about 3 of the 4 miles around Cleary Lake with Kirk.
Worked in wood at home for anniversary weekend
Total: 34

Week of September 20 – 26
Monday: 26 miles on fat bike, count as 39 miles
Tuesday: 37 miles on my Keiser

Saturday: 100 miles riding the Headwaters 100 with 11 others from the Central Minnesota Bicycle Club. Great weather, great route, great company. A fantastic day. The ride around Itasca State Park was the most beautiful ride of the year, with Buddy Rudy and I blasting the curvy, hilly one way section through the park. A great workout!

Total: 176

Total for this group of weeks: 1176. Total for May – September 2881 miles, including 13 centuries.