Sunday, January 3, 2016

Picking Up the Pace

Week of December 14

  1. Monday - Blah. I crash in the evenings after getting up at 5:30 a.m. to drive to Foley.
  2. Tuesday - 22 miles fat biking with Joel, 33 miles equivalent, Drizzly, somewhat slick gravel roads so glad we had our studs on our tires
  3. Thursday - 38 miles on my Keiser in my apartment
  4. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday mornings, walked 2 miles in fieldhouse before work
  5. Friday evening - walked 4 times around Burnsville Mall - 2-3 miles?
  6. Saturday, the 19th - 25 miles on my Kurt Kenetic trainer at home watching the MSU Spartan play basketball win 78-58 against Northeastern
  7. Sunday - 25 miles on my Kurt Kenetic at home, walked 4 miles around Fish Lake with Linda
Total for the week - 121 miles and 4-5 miles walking

Week of December 21

  1. Monday - walked 2 miles in Fieldhouse after I drove to work.
  2. Tuesday - 16 miles fat biking with the Club, 24 miles equivalent
  3. Wednesday - 40 miles on my Keiser in my apartment then drove home
  4. Thursday (Christmas Eve) - 30 miles on my Kurt Kenetic at home
  5. Friday (Christmas) - 30  miles on my Kurt Kenetic at home
  6. Saturday - 30  miles on my Kurt Kenetic at home and walked 2-3 miles with Linda around Burnsville Mall
  7. Sunday - 34  miles on my Kurt Kenetic at home and walked 4 miles around Fish Lake with Linda
Total for the week - 188 miles and 6-7 miles walking

Week of December 28
  1. Monday - rest day walked 4 times around Burnsville Mall - 2-3 miles
  2. Tuesday - 25 miles on the Kurt Kenetic at home
  3. Wednesday - 20 miles at Lifetime Fitness in Savage walked 4 miles around Fish Lake with Linda
  4. Thursday (New Years Eve) -  more rest while watching football game. Bah hum bug!
  5. Friday (New Years Day) - 34  miles on my Kurt Kenetic at home walked 4 miles around Fish Lake with Linda
  6. Saturday - 34  miles on my Kurt Kenetic at home and 
  7. Sunday - 26 miles on my Kurt Kenetic at home and walked 4 miles around Fish Lake with Linda
Total for the week - 139 miles and 14-15 miles walking

Three week total - 448 and 25 miles walking

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