Sunday, December 13, 2015

Greater Intensity Workouts Continue

Week of November 2

  •    1 7 miles on Keiser spinning at SCSU
  •          7 miles on Fat bike, with friends, 10 miles equivalent
  •          Total = 27 miles

Week of November  9
  •          20 miles on Keiser spinning at SCSU
  •          8 miles on Fat bike, with friends, 12 miles equivalent
  •          8 miles on Fat bike, with friends, 12 miles equivalent
  •          Total = 44 miles

Week of November  16
  •          20 miles on Keiser spinning at SCSU
  •          18 miles on Fat bike, with friends, 27 miles equivalent
  •          18 miles on Fat bike, with friends, 27 miles equivalent
  •          Total = 74 miles

Week of November  23
  •          17 miles on Fat bike, with friends, 25 miles equivalent
  •          30 miles on Keiser spinning at RydeOn Saline
  •          20 miles on Keiser spinning at RydeOn Saline
  •          Total = 75 miles

Week of November  30
  •          14 miles on Fat bike, with friends, 21 miles equivalent
  •          25 miles on Fat bike, with friends, 37 miles equivalent
  •          17 miles on Keiser spinning at SCSU
  •          Total = 75 miles

Week of December 7
  •          14 miles on Keiser spinning at SCSU
  •          43 miles on Keiser in apartment
  •          14 miles on Fat bike, with friends, 21 miles equivalent
  •          18 miles on Kurt Kenetic at home (Saturday)
  •      30 miles on Kurt Kenetic at home (Sunday)
  •          Total = 126 miles
         Not the most impressive stretch of training, but of higher intensity. Time to start adding the longer distances again.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Shift in Focus to Greater Intensity Workouts

Week of October 12

When I went to spin at St. Cloud State University, I noticed that at what I perceived adequate exertion,  my heart rate was not as high as when I was spinning 4-5 times per week from Labor Day, 2013 to May, 2014 prior to my accident on June 9, 2014. Part of that may be a result of conditioning from 5 months of riding, but I perceived that I just had not been training at a high enough intensity, despite all of the miles I had ridden since beginning this quest. 

So, what you will see is a reorienting of my training for a while. That is, I will focus on shorter, but with greater intensity workouts. My expectation is that this will increase both my strength and speed.
  • Monday : 15 miles on the Keiser spinning at SCSU, followed by Tabata – (Whew!)
  • Tuesday: 24 miles on my fat bike with Joel, etc. = 36 road bike equivalent
  • Thursday: 19 on fat bike with Central MN Bicycle Club ride = 28 equivalent
  • Sunday: 6 on my fat bike around Fish Lake = 9 miles equivalent
  • Total for week: 88 miles

Week of October 19
  • 17 on my fat bike = 25 road bike equivalent
  • 14 on the Keiser spinning at SCSU
  • 10 on my fat bike around Fish Lake twice – 15 equivalent
  • Total for week: 54 miles

Week of October 26
  • 14 on the Keiser spinning at SCSU
  • 16 on my fat bike with Central MN Bicycle Club ride = 24 equivalent
  • 26 on my fat bike with Joel, etc. = 39 equivalent
  •  Total for week: 77 miles
I have not recorded the yoga and Complete Gym workouts in the apartment, yard work, long walks or short runs, although those continue as part of my training plans. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Isle Royale Backpacking and the Mankato River Ramble Close out a Great Summer

Tuesday, September 29 – Drove to Grand Portage from Foley in just over 5 hours

Wednesday – Boarded the Voyager II at 7:30 a.m to go the 22 miles to Windigo, on the west end of the island. All but two of us passengers got off. The next stop was McCargoe Cove, about a 2 mile long inlet on the north side of the island, where Bob disembarked to hike back to Windigo. About 3:30 p.m. we arrived at Rock Harbor, after over 80 miles by water. Bob and I were to be the only people on the island between Rock Harbor and Windigo.

My planned campsite for the night was 8.0 miles away, so I did not delay in starting hiking as soon as I got off the boat. The first 3.6 miles of the trail to Three Mile Campsite was rocky and with lots of roots, undulating up and down along the shoreline over the exposed lava flow. It was not long before I got to thinking, “It used to feel easier than this!”

I surprised one of the island's 1250 (down from about 2400 when I was previously there) moose along the trail, but only heard the clump of the hooves, the swaying of the brush and the silhouette of a moose hiding behind some brush. After a bit, the silhouette moved off quietly out of the way. I also spotted a wolf track in the mud along one section of the trail. There are only 3 wolves left on the island (down from about 17 in the 1990’s) and the Park Service is in the middle of a four year process of figuring out what to do about the wolves, moose and the vegetation for the future.

I arrived at Daisy Farm in time to get my tent pitched and pump water through my water purifier out of Lake Superior just as night came. I didn’t realize that with my now being further east, the sun would set earlier than in Central Minnesota, so it seemed to get dark really early.

Thursday – I was up and hiking soon after dawn, heading north inland along Daisy Farm Trail. The 7.9 mile hike to West Chickenbone Lake campsite was relatively uneventful. The trail climbed to the ridge running the length of the island, but the trail was easier than the first 3.6 miles were the day before. I had camp set up before 2:00 p.m. and settled in for the night with a campsite right along the shore.  Tonight, the evening seemed really long, and after the trip was over, it was because when I turned on my phone to take a photo or see what time it was, it was registering Eastern Daylight time.

After two miles of trail, I began to feel hot spots on my heels. Remembering my backpacking trip three years earlier along the Lake Superior coast in the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, I changed into my running shoes to avoid the half dollar sized blisters on my heels of that earlier trip. See "My (mis)Adventure Exploring Pure Michigan (Pictured Rocks National Seashore)" I hiked the remainder of the trip in my running shoes. I found that I could hike faster in them than in my boots, although on Saturday the bottoms of my feet began to feel the pounding through the more flexible sole, despite my putting two Spenco insoles in each shoe.

Friday – I woke up to find a lot of ice in my water bottle I had set just outside the tent entrance. Getting the water bottles refilled and the tent rolled up and put away had my hands cold and hurting. I got hiking as quickly as I could to get warm.

The 7.7 mile hike to the Hatchett Lake campsite offered great views from the top of the ridge. I could even see the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan 50+ miles to the south. The winds off the lake, while it cooled the island in the spring and summer, had delayed the turning of the leaves, so there was not so much fall color as expected. The inland lakes below are really huge, reminding me just how big Isle Royale really is.

The weather was again gorgeous. The morning campground had gotten colder than most on the island, with the wind still by morning and the campground inland on the north side of the island.

The walk through the woods with the dry fallen leaves rustling under my feet reminded me of going grouse hunting with my brother Al (10 years my senior, and the "man of the house" after my father died when I was 2 months old). Actually, he had the shot gun and I walked with him on the old logging roads. He would see the bird ahead on the road and shoot before I even saw anything. This memory was reinforced when I flushed a rough grouse ahead of me. Good memories!

Saturday – Knowing this would be a long day, I was rolling at 8:27 EDT. I arrived at Ishpeming Point with its lookout tower 4.3 miles in what seemed to be a flash. I was walking more quickly now, along pretty smooth trail in forests, including some spectacular white birch stand. 3.5 miles later, I arrived at the turnoff to the South Lake Desor campground. I dropped my pack and took my two water bottles and my water purifier and walked the .3 mile trail to the lake to refill my water bottles.  

After returning to my pack, I hiked the 5.2 miles to the Island Mine campground, near a stream, but not much else to talk about in the woods. I was in the campground about 4:15 EDT, having covered the 13.6 miles pretty well, with a strong stride. Having eaten the heaviest food early in the trip helped, but I also felt as if I was getting more in shape for the hiking. Relatively smooth trail surely helped as well.

It was not quite as sunny and warm as the previous days, but comfortable hiking in my RAB shirt and khaki trousers. 

Bob was in the campground in the Group Sites, while I plunked myself down in the first solo site I found near the trail.

Sunday, October 4 – Knowing I needed to be back in Windigo about noon for the 1:00 boat departure, I was up and hiking by 8:44 EDT. I arrived in Windigo by 11:15 after a brisk hike 6.9 miles through forest, with little views and mostly level or downward sloping trail. We left the island at 1:00 p.m., on the last boat to leave the island for the year.

As much as I had enjoyed the hike, I was glad to have finished the 44.1 mile hike of the 50 mile long, 9 mile wide island. This has been on my bucket list since first visiting the island in the summer of 1966 with a group of Future Farmers of America. Check.

This hike was a great change of pace from my bike riding, but still fit perfectly into my training plan of getting into better shape. I used my legs and rediscovered muscles I had forgotten or never knew I had.

Back in St. Cloud and beyond:

Monday, October 5 – Spinning (18 miles), Yoga and Tabata at St. Cloud State. That was a workout! 27 miles road bike equivalent.

Tuesday – 16 miles on Fat Bikes with The Gang. Just plain fun. 24 mile equivalent.

Saturday – A long day of yardwork at home and at my son’s home – totally exhausted.

Sunday, October 11 – Rode 42 miles on the Mankato River Ramble on my Fat Bike, riding with Bea, Ellen and Peter. We saw Frank at one of the rest stops, but that’s all. I had planned to ride the 50 mile route, but joined the others, which I was glad at the end, as 42 miles up and down the hills and into the headwind the last half of the ride was enough for me. The weather, however, was spectacular (reaching 82 by the time we were done), the route beautiful and the company fun. 63 mile equivalent.

Total for the week: 114 miles

Sunday, September 27, 2015

13 Century for the Year Caps off 5 Months of Training Totaling 2,881 Miles of Biking

13th Century for the Year Caps off 5 Months of Training Totaling 2,881 Miles of Biking

Week of August 9-15
Monday: 20 miles
Saturday : 52 miles
Total: 72

Week of August 16 – 22
Wednesday: 40 miles
Thursday: 44 miles
Saturday: 50 miles with Joel, Gary, Jan and Jen from my home. With 23 mile per hour winds plus gusts. Interesting ride with friends.
Total: 134 miles

Week of August 23-29
Monday: 35 miles
Tuesday: 42 miles on the Keiser
Saturday: 102 miles riding the Off the Back Century sponsored by the Beaver Island Brewing Co. in St. Cloud Joel, Gary, Jan and Jen. Fun day.
Total: 179 miles

Week of August 30 – September 5
Rode 4 centuries  on days back to back, plus 27 miles to complete the DALMAC  5East with Anne, Glenda, Randy, Dory, Ingrid and David
Total: 427 miles

Week of September 6- 12
Focused on running to prepare for run with Kirk
Wednesday: Rode to Bowlus and back to Albany with Joel, 34 miles
Saturday: 100 miles riding the Jesse James Bike Tour from Northville
Total: 134

Week of September 13 – 19
Focused on running to prepare for run with Kirk
Tuesday: 23 miles on Fat bike, count as 34 miles
Saturday: ran about 3 of the 4 miles around Cleary Lake with Kirk.
Worked in wood at home for anniversary weekend
Total: 34

Week of September 20 – 26
Monday: 26 miles on fat bike, count as 39 miles
Tuesday: 37 miles on my Keiser

Saturday: 100 miles riding the Headwaters 100 with 11 others from the Central Minnesota Bicycle Club. Great weather, great route, great company. A fantastic day. The ride around Itasca State Park was the most beautiful ride of the year, with Buddy Rudy and I blasting the curvy, hilly one way section through the park. A great workout!

Total: 176

Total for this group of weeks: 1176. Total for May – September 2881 miles, including 13 centuries.

Friday, August 14, 2015

145 Mile One Day Ride Across Michigan Caps Off Another Great Week

Monday – Rode 47 miles with Joel and Jen NW of Albany with some hills and finished in the dark along the trail from Bowlus to Albany. So much fun riding with good friends!

Tuesday – Rode 19 miles SW of Richmond with the group. Turned it into an interval training exercise by sagging back and/or waiting for the slower riders, then blasting it to catch the riders up front. Felt great with no after effects of my hard ride on Saturday.

Wednesday – Worked until 10:45 p.m. to get ready to leave on my trip. Not the best preparation for a long ride.

Thursday – Drove to Manistique, Michigan on my way to ride ODRAM. Enjoyed my updated songlist on my phone that kept me entertained.

Friday – Drove from Manistique to Muskegon, but enjoyed an easy 25 mile pre ODRAM warm up last Friday along the West Michigan shoreline trail overlooking Lake Michigan between Charlevoix and Bay Harbor along the way. After all the driving, I wanted to stretch my legs before riding 145 miles the next day. Picked up my ride packet in Montague, then early to bed.

Saturday – Wakened at 5:00 to get to Montague to be ready to ride at 6:00 a.m. Hit the road at 6:30 in the early dawn with wet roads (spray for many miles, but no rain the whole way), about 100% humidity but temperatures below 70 (which didn’t get much warmer until after noon with a high of 75 – pretty lucky in terms of temps).

Rode the 146.2 miles in 10 hours and 5 minutes of riding (12:15 total elapsed time arriving at 6:45 p.m.) with at 14.4 mph average with Anne and Glenda. They were great riding companions and their husbands played SAG with a wonderful supporting spirit, meeting us every 20 miles or so (15 miles near the end).

The hills early on were not as much an issue as the profile would indicate, with few very steep or very long. The mile 72-95 stretch was the worst, with crappy roads, some hills and a nasty headwind. At 95 miles, we were not especially looking forward to another 50 miles of this. But, the next 20 were great, with smoother roads, lessening winds and no hills. What a morale booster! After that, it was just a matter of grinding it out on 30 miles of flat roads at an easy pace. I was glad to be done, but nowhere so tired that I could not have gone further.  Another milestone passed – in fine fashion. Bring on DALMAC with 4 centuries back to back planned – another test.

 (Sorry, I don't look too happy in this photo.) :)

(It was a long day, getting up at 5:00 and not getting to bed until the next 1:30 a.m. after the bus ride back to Montague.)

Sunday – Drove back home in nine and half hours. Walked the 4 miles around Cleary Lake with Linda to stretch my legs and get the blood moving. Felt pretty good, with little stiffness and soreness – a great sign that I am getting in shape.

Goal: 80-100 miles during the week, plus whatever on the weekend

Total week miles: 91 during week plus the 145 mile ODRAM on Saturday. Weekly goal achieved.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

B+ Grading My Following My Training Plan Through the First Nine Weeks

Here is a progress report on my implementing my training plan since my announcement that I will ride the Fast America South next spring.

Here are the miles I have ridden, in my attempts to meet my goals of 80-100 miles during the week, plus whatever on the weekend.

Week     During the Week     Weekend  Total
1                        101                     25           126
2                        115                     30           145
3                          94                   152           246
4                        105                   216           321
5                          19                     50             69
6                          91                     32           123
7                          65                     52           117
8                        127                     18           145
9                          95                   102           197
Total                  812                   677        1,489

I worked my plan 7 of the 9 weeks. In addition to the 90 miles I rode April 26 in the Minnesota Ironman and the Fulton Gran Fondo century, I have ridden the Tour de Pepin century, the back-to-back Paul Bunyan centuries and the Tour de Tonka, for a total of 5 centuries so far this year.  

I have improved my 100 mile ride performance from a 15.0 mph average I did on the Tour de Pepin to 16.5 on the Tour de Tonka, on somewhat equivalent terrain and temperatures. Riding the Tour de Tonka 100 miles in the six hours met the requirement to ride the cross country tour next spring (other than being documented), so this makes me all the more confident that I will be physically ready for the tour.

I have only lost maybe 3 of the 8 pounds I had intended to lose by August 1, and I have totally failed to implement my plan to be able to run 5k by this time. Those goals will need to be pushed back, perhaps with the running occurring during the winter in the school field house as part of my attempt to hold onto my conditioning during the winter. I also presume that as I continue this training I will lose some more weight.

I need to improve my strength to weight ratio, as I really slow down on hills compared with those I ride with. On the Tour de Tonka, early on I was doing much better than on other rides, going up some grades at 16+ mph, but in the last 30 miles I just had to spin my way up the hills in low gears. I had planned to do some weight training for my quads and hamstrings in the school weight room during the summer, but that was not to be. I will simulate hills on my Keiser training bike to improve here.

So, progress was made, but I was not totally able to work my plan. As the initial enthusiasm waned, at times it has been hard to stay motivated. The 147 mile One Day Ride Across Michigan next Saturday and the 5 day Dick Allen Lansing to Mackinaw City (DALMAC) ride before Labor Day will help to keep me focused for the next month.

But, my friends, you will be critical to keeping me on track. Simply your reading this (or knowing you might) is a way to hold me accountable and means much to me. Thanks for reading!

Minimum Goal Achieved - A Century in Six Hours of Riding Time

Monday – Rode 20 miles with the Central Minnesota Bicycle Club from Avon. Mostly rode slowly in the heat, except for some higher intensity surges. Just didn’t feel I had it in me.

Tuesday – Rode 40 miles on my Keiser while watching a movie. Four minutes of relatively low intensity followed by a minute of pedaling standing up. Getting my miles in while avoiding the heat.

Wednesday - Rode 35 miles on my Keiser while watching a movie. Four minutes of relatively low intensity followed by a minute of pedaling standing up.

Thursday – Rest day. Had a Board meeting until 8:30 p.m. so really didn’t have much time anyway.

Friday - Rest day, other than walking the 4 miles around Cleary Lake.

Saturday - Rode the Tour de Tonka. Completed 102 miles in 6 hours and 5 minutes, 16.5 mph average, in 7 hours total elapsed time, including breaks. This meets the minimum requirement for riding the cross country ride next spring - just barely. With 3 more months of road bike riding left this year, i should be able to improve upon that. I was at 17.5 mph average at 55 miles and 17.2 mph average at 72 miles, but the hills and heat in the last 30 miles were tough.
 I got there late, so had to park at the High School, ride the 1.5 miles to the start, and got there just as everyone else was starting out, while I still had to go pick up my packet.

Sunday – Walked the 4 miles around Cleary Lake with Linda.

Goal: 80-100 miles during the week, plus whatever on the weekend

Total week miles: 95 during week plus the Tour de Tonka 102 miles on Saturday. Weekly goal achieved.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Off Again, On Again in Training

 Week of July 12 to 18

Saturday – 32 miles with Rick from Chaska

Sunday – Walked 4 miles around Cleary Lake

Monday – Ack! Got up at 5:30 to drive to work in Foley and didn’t leave work until after 11:00 after a loooonnnngggg Board meeting.

Tuesday -.Nice casual 31 mile ride from Avon to Albany to Holdingford and back with Bea and her son Chris.

Wednesday – Got home late again after work due to a negotiations session that went nowhere. Went for a 2 mile walk.

Thursday – 34 mile ride from Albany to Bowlus and back with Joel.

Friday – Rest day. Not that I needed it with so few miles this week

Saturday – 52 mile ride from Chaska with Rick and two good female riders who left me behind on each hill. Got hot. But otherwise, a great ride.

Sunday – Walked around Cleary Lake with Linda

Goal: 80-100 miles during the week, plus whatever on the weekend

Total week miles: 65 during week, with 52 on the weekend.  Not my best week. But, when you don't succeed in sticking with the training plan, all you can do is get right back on!

Week of July 19 to 25

Saturday and Sunday – See above

Monday – 34 miles with Joel from Albany to Bowlus and back. Met long distance riders from Colorado who stayed at the Laser’s as part of the Warm Showers program. The trail sheltered us from the strong headwinds on the way north, then the winds died for the return.

Tuesday – 58 miles along the Heartland Trail. From Albany to Bowlus with Joel, back to Holdingford with the group celebrating Jan and Jen’s 19th anniversary with refreshments in Holdingford, back to Bowlus for refreshments and food, then back to Albany with Joel in the dark along the trail with our lights. A marvelous evening with friends. Fabulous weather.

Wednesday – 35 miles with the Central MN Bike Club joint ride with the Paul Bunyan Cyclists Club from Brainerd. I meant to go 40 miles with the 18-20 mph group but got dropped before 2 miles ridden. They went the 40 miles at an average speed of 21 mph. Oh, well, it was a beautiful night to ride mostly by myself.

Thursday – Walked around Cleary Lake with Linda

Friday – Walked around Cleary Lake briskly by myself.

Saturday - Only did 18 slow miles with the fat bike group today from Michael’s Cycles when all the roadies didn't show. Interesting trail from Chaska to Shakopee along the Minnesota River bottom past Valley Fair on Hwy 101, however, so nonetheless fun, even if not much of a workout.

Sunday – Walked around Cleary Lake with Linda

Goal: 80-100 miles during the week, plus whatever on the weekend

Total week miles: 127 during week, with only 18 on the weekend.  A good week of riding, even if the Saturday ride was a bit of a disappointment.

Next weekend – Tour de Tonka Century! Then the following Saturday, the 147 mile One Day Ride Across Michigan. Woo weee!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Training Back on Track

Saturday – Rode the Great Scott 50 Classic at a good pace. Rolling terrain, so the hills were good training as well. Felt wiped out the rest of the day, perhaps due to the 80+ degrees.

Sunday – Lazy day. Did not feel much like doing anything. Family all left for their homes – a very successful gathering at our lake home.

Monday – 40 miles with Joel up the Heartland Trail from Albany to Blanchard Dam and back. A bit buggy on the way back, but it was a good route to avoid the wind going out, and then the wind died.

Tuesday -.19 miles with the Central Minnesota Bike Club. Great social time after, but ate too much.

Wednesday – Worked until 9:00 p.m. then walked about 2 miles after I got back to the apartment. Tired.

Thursday – Rode 32 miles from Gary Westrup’s house with Joel, Gary, and Jen. Relatively easy pace followed by Lorraine’s yummy after ride treats. Ate too much, but I wanted to show appreciation for her efforts, right? J

Friday – Rest day.

Saturday – Rode 32 miles with Rick and Nancy from Michael’s Cycles in Chaska. They were courteous and slowed the pace for me. 16.2 average was all.

Sunday – Not planning to ride, but will go walk 4 miles around Cleary Lake.

Goal: 80-100 miles during the week, plus whatever on the weekend

Total week miles: 91 during week, with 32 on the weekend.  

I felt sluggish all week, not sure if I just plateaued  or whether I got some kind of bug last weekend. After my Saturday ride, I weighed 186.5. so while I did not make progress on my weight loss, at least I did not regress as far as I had feared with all of the good and ample food..