Monday, April 25, 2016

Day 9: Monday, April 25 - Albuquerque, NM to Las Vegas, NM 136 miles for the day, 8603' up, 7204' down

Mike bumped Brian "the younger" and me at the start about 14 miles along a windy road through the Sandia Mountains. When we got out, we rode along the Turquoise Trail. Brian soon left me in the dust as we went uphill for 5 miles pretty steadily except for two stretches that totaled about a half mile.

Then we began a series of uphill, then downhill, then uphill, then downhill. We went through the "towns" of Golden, Madrid (interesting shops in a hippy looking way after a nice fast descent into town).

Then, past the Santa Fe Community College and on until I had logged a total of 60 miles.

Actually, I put in a little over one "bonus" mile as I didn't see one sign at a roundabout, looked at my Garmin which said straight ahead, in error. So, I didn't take a wrong turn, I just failed to take a left turn. Whatever.... ;) At any rate, that detour put me even further behind schedule, and not wanting the ride leaders to wonder where I was, I called in, and Pam came to pick me up. So, I was bumped to the SAG lunch spot at mile 79, then on further to the 3rd SAG at mile 114.4. From there, I rode the final 22 miles in to Las Vegas, New Mexico. So, I rode a total 82 miles for the day.
Beautiful country in the morning.

More beautiful country after mile 114 (although it does not show as well as in person)

While riding in the morning, I recalled the four and a half day retreat in the mountains in Washington State called "The Wall", the second part of a three part personal development training program I participated in in 1988. Each day we walked or ran 2 miles early in the morning. On the third day, the session leader asked us to do the two miles with "excellence". Well, I had not run much since my last marathon in 1984, but wanted to run that two miles well. When I was finished, I was quite pleased with myself. Three ladies finished with linked arms, skipping and a hopping, laughing away. Back in session, the session leader asked us who had completed the two miles with excellence. We all thought so. Hmmm, the point was, "excellence" is different for every person, and who was I to say that what I had done was more excellent than what they had done.

So, applying those memories, I concluded that I was truly riding with excellence today. My body felt the best it has felt since Day 1, my neck and shoulders were not as bothersome as on earlier days, I was riding in gorgeous weather through gorgeous country and with a group of very congenial other riders. What was not to like? My excellence may not be the same as that of the faster, elite riders of the group, but I had a GREAT day.

It is always possible to measure ourselves against others and feel inferior when we find we are not as good at something as someone else. But, get real - there is always someone better at a task or personality characteristic. But, can I be the best me that I can be? That is the better question. And, we should feel good about improvements we make. 
Now, thinking about the post where I talked about how we compare ourselves with our reference groups, that does not mean we should be complacent when we find we are not as good as someone. Hopefully that will give us an idea of what is possible and motivate ourselves to achieve more of our innate and enormous potential to achieve more. Well, enough philosophizing. :)
Tomorrow is supposed to be a easier day: Day 10: Tuesday, April 26 - Las Vegas, NM to Tucumcari, NM 109 miles for the day, 1,091 so far, 2,900' of climbing. 

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For our ride leader's (Mike Monk) version of today's ride, go here

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