Sunday, April 10, 2016

Some Great Training Weeks, Others? Not So Much

This 6 week period has been a period of high work load followed by some sloughing off, well below target in some cases. This demonstrates the difficulty of maintaining a training program despite high motivation and will power. Interference such as work, getting a cold, a vacation in Florida and sometimes just blah contributed to the missed targets. Nonetheless, I feel ready for the FastAmericaSouth challenge.

Thanks for reading, as this makes you part of my team. I hope you will follow me across the country, starting on Sunday, the 17th. 

Week of February 29

Monday -

Quads: 3 sets of 250# with 20 reps,
Hamstrings:3 sets of 135# with 20 reps
Torso rotation: 3 sets at 85#, 15 reps
(3) 1/4 mile walks at 4.3 MPH, (1) 1 mile and (1) 1 1//4 mile runs at 5.8, 6.0 & 6.3 MPH, total 3.0 miles

Tuesday -

yoga routine,
Complete Gym 4 exercises 20 repetitions
5 sets of 25 reps of pushups and 15 situps
 miles on my Keiser in my apartment before work
30 miles spinning at St. Cloud State
44 & 36 miles on my Keiser in my apartment after spinning
Total for the day - 110 miles

Wednesday -

yoga routine,
Complete Gym 4 exercises 20 repetitions
5 sets of 25 reps of pushups and 15 situps
Quads: 3 sets of 240# with 20 reps,
Hamstrings:3 sets of 130# with 20 reps
Torso rotation: 3 sets at 80#, 15 reps
(3) 1/4 mile walks at 4.1 MPH, 1 mile at 5.5 and 5.7, 1.25 mile at 5.5, 5.7 and 6.0 MPH, total 3.0 miles
18 miles fat biking with Joel and Frank, 27 miles road bike equivalent

Thursday -

yoga routine
40 miles on my Keiser in my apartment before work
25.5 miles spinning at St. Cloud State
34.5 miles on my Keiser in my apartment after spinning
Total for the day - 100 miles

Friday -

tan only. a very tired body

Saturday -

55 miles on my trainer in the basement


55 miles on my trainer in the basement

347 total miles for the week

Week of March 7

Monday -

Tan only. My cold is not helping.

Tuesday -

40 miles on my Keiser in my apartment before work

Wednesday -

Nada, This cold is kicking my ass

Thursday -

35 miles on my Keiser in my apartment
Recovered from my cold enough to go on a very encouraging 47 mile fat bike ride tonight on the Lake Wobegon Trail. Rode consistently over 15 MPH and 17 or so the 9 miles from Albany to Holdingford with Joel, with some 18+ and even touched 20 a few times. Man, it felt great to not feel rotten or tired! 70 miles road bike equivalent

Friday -

45 miles on my Keiser in my apartment

Saturday -

 51 miles on my road bike on my Kurt Kinetic

Sunday -

51 miles on my road bike on my Kurt Kinetic

300 total miles for the week

Week of March 14

Monday -

Tan only

Tuesday -

42 miles on my Keiser in my apartment
30 miles spinning at St. Cloud State - 277 average watts!
56 miles on my Keiser in my apartment after 2.5 hour nap
total 128 for the day

Wednesday -

Quads: 3 sets of 250# with 20 reps,
Hamstrings:3 sets of 130# with 20 reps
Torso rotation: 3 sets at 80#, 15 reps
(3) 3/16 mile walks at 4.1 MPH, 1 mile at 5.8 and 6.0, 1.25 mile at 5., 6.0 and 6.5 MPH, total 3.0 miles 31:26 minutes
84 miles on my Keiser in my apartment

Thursday -

45 miles on my Keiser in my apartment before work
28 miles spinning at St. Cloud State
16 miles fat biking, 24 miles road bike equivalent
97 miles total for the day

309 total so far

Friday -

Quads: 3 sets of 250# with 20 reps,
Hamstrings:3 sets of 130# with 20 reps
Torso rotation: 3 sets at 80#, 15 reps
Body too tired to want to run

Saturday -

63 miles on my trainer in the basement

40 miles on my trainer in the basement

412  total miles for the week

Week of March 21

Monday -

Quads: 3 sets of 260# with 20 reps,
Hamstrings:3 sets of 135# with 20 reps
Torso rotation: 3 sets at 85#, 15 reps

Tuesday -

28 miles on my Keiser in my apartment before work
62 on my road bike, finished at 11:00

Wednesday -

38 miles on my Keiser in my apartment after work

Thursday -

Another great ride tonight - 52 miles on the fat bike. Started in St. Joe, joined by Joel on the way to Albany, went up to Holdingford along the trail, then over hill and dale, hill and dale, hill and dale on mostly dirt roads to St. Anthony, then back to Albany and St. Joe. Ended a bit cooler than Tuesday night - 29 degrees in virtually dead calm under a full moon at 10:30 - quite natural beauty. 78 miles rod bike equivalent

206 miles total for the week

Week of March 28

Down in Florida for a vacation. Only walked about 4 miles per day and/or ran some. Did some yoga and did 50 pushups in a row twice.

Week of April 4

Sunday -
69 miles on the Lake Wobegon Trail on my road bike

Monday - 

Tuesday -
29 miles on my fat bike, 14 miles road bike equivalent

Wednesday -
18 miles with Joel on my fat bike, 27 miles road bike equivalent

Thursday -
36 miles on my Keiser in my apartment

Total for the week - 146, way below target

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